
Top 110 Free CNA Practice Test Questions and Answers 2015 on Communication

Sending or receiving incorrect messages can frequently exist in nursing profession, so communication seems to be a complex process. By that mean, it is necessary that we need to improve the skills in the communication process, know the key components and the potential problems existing in communication. That’s the reason why we would suggest Top 110 Free CNA Practice Questions and Answers 2015 on Communication  to provide for you the basic knowledge in communication so as to become a competent nurse in the health care area.

To view full questions and answers, please kindly visit our site:  https://hapiland.net/7320/top-110-free-cna-practice-test-questions-answers-2015-communication/

child must be prepared
this stage is known as Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt "Me do it".
this group is increasingly seeking legal means to ensure visiting rights. Parents split up this group can seek the right to see the child.
each state has central agency for reporting child maltreatment. It is referred to as this.
exerts control, demanding yet responsive, responsive to and acceptation of child, give reasons for rules, encourage independence, expect maturity
this is the fathers initial paternal response to baby
Child's position in family is altered when enters this. The family is not the only authority any more.
Little or no eye contact, touching, support of head, little talking to babyHolds baby at a distanceDisinterested, passive response, or too tiredCalls baby "it', avoids talking about babyIgnores baby's cries, grunts, yawnsUpset with changing diapersInadequate safety precautions, rough with babyDislikes self - finds self in babyAfraid baby will die of minor illness
One's perceptions of feelings about self, adaptive and defensive mechanisms, reactions from others
this occurs immediately after childbirth occurs
the development task for this stage is industry v.s. inferiority develop independenceworld expands, includes classmates reestablish independence believe that grades are the measure of the individual ( have to achieve and get good grades so their self esteem needs will be met)
the development task for this stage is identity v.s. diffusion/identity confusionperception and awareness increasesget big T hormonesfind oneself, separate from what they have been taughtquestioning ( how come, why)physical changesbrain growsmaturingnotice what death meanswatch news
Conform to other's expectations Express emotions healthilyCommunicate effectively (words and actions)Use initiative and conscienceHandle potentially dangerous situations (firearms)
these are the four major categories that the Denver developmental screening test evaluates
= 8 - 12 years
= 6 - 8 years
this progresses from solitary -> parallel->cooperative (compete, play games)
this is demonstrated by the ease of feeding, sleep. relaxation, appearance of contentment
Some maternal-child attachment behaviors can be taught before this through use of videos
This is the most common death in toddlers
lack of ability to be firm, no control over child, angry with self and child's behavior, involved in own needs, may be rejecting.
- large and small muscle coordination and movement
shaking baby syndromedislike partner= dislike babydon't get attached they wont get hurt
Child can not be kept this way --a child cant figure out if somethings right or wrong they are unable to make their own decisions at the age. Example is the chief teacher
these are signs of mistrust
Eye-to-eye contact - infant and motherMother holds babyBaby responds to mother's voiceMother speaks to babyBaby roots, mother touches babyBaby uses hands, feet, head and mouth to maintain body contactMother calls baby by name, expresses pleasureRecognize odor of each other - 3-5 days
during this age everything evolves around them " magical theme"
Applies to children birth to 6 yearsMust be given by someone trained in administration and interpretation
Nursing implications
the developmental task for this stage is autonomy v.s. shame ( doubt) kids during this stage try to develop a self concept they want to do things on their own they also notice others during this stage ( realize they are not the only ones)
More children (proportionately) live in poverty in U.S. than in any other industrialized nation
the majority of perpetrators who commit shaken baby syndrome
they are looking at whats going on around them and that's what they learn.
Consistent, fair and kind limits needed for any cooperation from the child, parents have to set limits.
child should have a role in the family, certain chores to do....
part of the family triangleidentify feeling to the same sex
this is the most common parenting type, you must be consistent in the role you choose need to use same standards and discipline
this is made up of feelings about self, adaptive and defensive mechanisms, reactions from others
when you are looking at putting your child in this type of program it is extremely important to make sure that they are certified
the developmental task for this stage is trust v.s. mistrust during this stage children can go through "failure to thrive" (kids can dye from a lack of physical contact)

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