
40 Basic Free CNA Practice Test Online Questions and Answers on Communication

A nurse needs to study communication and interpersonal skills in their profession with training courses in order to be successful in their work. It’s better idea if they learn other aspects and application of communication in various fields of nursing. With the aim of emphasizing the importance of communication between nurses and patients, we provide 40 Basic Free CNA Practice Test Online Questions and Answers on Communication as one of the most powerful tool for your practice before stepping the professional healthcare career.

To view full questions and answers, please kindly visit our site:  https://hapiland.net/7350/40-basic-free-cna-practice-test-online-questions-and-answers-on-communication/

Association, categorization, imagery, mnemonics
The nurse must understand the ___________ to understand his or her communication and meet the needs of that person.
Temporary work group formed for the purpose of resolving specific work-related problems or developing a specific project
Communication in which upper levels of the hierarchy send messages to people in lower levels
A type of advocacy that is used to show clients appropriate behaviors
Which of the following are temporary work groups?a) Standing committeesb) Quality circlesc) Task forces
We need to learn about the nursing philosophy and communication theory to build a what?
150-200 words/minute
Meaning is in _________________.
Listening and hearing are not the same
Communication in which messages are sent from lower levels of the hierarchy to upper levels.
Name the three types of mental health emergencies
Repetition, chunking, logical patterns
What is the nurse's most important legal duty?
freedom from accidental injury
Small temporary work groups focused on developing problem-solving and decision-making strategies to enhance the work of the organization
500-600 words/minute
Begins with receiving auditory stimulation, but involves much more than hearing
Use confrontation to ___________.
the listening model discussed in class
What is a key element to listening
Receiving auditory stimulation through the auditory nerve
What flow of communication involves the patient communicating with the nurse?
Prerequisite to listening
____________: focus, discriminate, concentrate
Connecting Mrs. Jones to the Piedmont Women's Center is a type of ___________________.
(T/F?) CNA's can assess the patient for the nurse.
What do you focus on when you confront someone?
an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof
Assisting individuals in asserting control over the factors affecting their lives
Good relationships and meaningful communication between workers will increase
Requirements for understanding
Anticipatory guidance is a type of _____________.

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