
74 Free Online CNA Practice Test Questions and Answers 2015 on Ethics and Values

74 Free Online CNA Practice Test Questions and Answers 2015 on Ethics and Values freely provide basic knowledge on nursing ethics and legal implication so as to improve your skill in caring people. Under the multiple-choice format with fast respondus, the core concepts are presented clearly and easily to all who are experienced and even freshers in the medical career.
To view full questions and answers, please kindly visit our site:  https://hapiland.net/7146/74-free-online-cna-practice-test-questions-answers-2015-ethics-values/

legal guidelines for nursing practice & acceptable nursing care that are set by every state (ANA standards, Joint Commission accredited hospitals)
outlines nurses' professional values and ethical commitments to their patients and the communites they serve
helps a client and family decide on the merits of a certain risky intervention (such as an organ transplant or experimental drug management or DNR discussions)
inequality between people and sexist; proposes that principles distract you from dealing with larger issues of the community; propose that the natural human urge to be influenced by relationships is a positive value
negligence and malpractice
describe and define the legal boundaries and scope of nursing practice within each state
It provides guidance for ethical relationships, responsibilities, behaviours and decision-making, and it is to be used in conjunction with the professional standards, laws and regulations that guide practice
the ethic of care philosophy suggests that ethical dilemmas can best be solved by attention to what?
protect the rights of individual persons within our society and encourage fair treatment among people
Statutory Guidelines for Legal Consent: ADULTS
"patient dumping" is the act of clients' being transferred from private hospitals to public hospitals with appropriate screening and stabilization. This act provides an appropriate medical screening within the hospital capacity
refers to the characteristics of relability and dependability.
helps you to explore values and feelings and to decide how to act on personal beliefs
as a strategy, it promotes respect and agreement rather than a particular philosophy or moral system itself
alerts a client to a condition that is not yet evident but that is certain to develop in the future
defines your duty to report incompetent or unethical nursing conduct to the Board of Nursing
system of ethics proposes that the value of something is determined by its usefullness
is invoked only when the client has a terminal condition or is in a persistent vegetative state
laws that mandate that at the time of admission to a hospital, a qualified health care provider has to ask each client over age 18 whether the client is an organ or tissue donor
allows employees to change jobs w/o losing coverage as a result of preexisting coverage exclusion as long as they have had 12 months of continuous group insurance
refers to willingness to respect obligations and follow through on promises; reliable
requires irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory function
forbids health plans from placing lifetime or annual limits on mental health coverage that are less generous than those placed on medical or surgical benefits
provides education, policy recommendations, and case consultation; established by health care institutions to support the processing of ethical dilemmas
refers to the ability to answer for one's own actions
this law provides rights to clients and protects employees
legal document designing person(s) to make health care decisions when client is unable to make them
requires health care institutions to provide written information to clients concerning the clients' rights under state law to make decisions, including the right to refuse treatment and formulate advance directives
is the avoidance of harm or hurt; the commitment to provide least harmful interventions
is a system of ensuring appropriate nursing care that attempts to identify potential hazards and eliminate them before harm occurs
The legal definition of death that facilitates organ donations is the cessation of:

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