
98 Essential Free Online CNA Practice Test Questions on Personal Health and Safety

The step up to certification is so close once discover 98 Essential Free Online CNA Practice Test Questions on Personal Health and Safety 
To view full questions and answers, please kindly visit: https://hapiland.net/6949/98-essential-free-online-cna-practice-test-questions-personal-health-safety/

unhealthy diet and activity patterns
Increase awareness.Contemplate change (target behavior, assess you motivation and readiness), develop self-efficacy and cultivate an internal locus of control.
1. Environmental components of stress2. Mental component of stress3. Emotional component of stress4. Physiological component of stress
Rosenstock, 1966
Short-term physiological response to an immediate or perceived threat
Stress occurs because an important need is not met
The appraisal of a situation as absolutely or potentially damaging to ones physical or psychological well-being or a threat to one's survival
1. Physical Environment2. Health Services3. Biology and Genetics4. Individual Behavior5. Social Environment
Blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, and blood glucose levels.
Mental illnesses characterized by persistent feelings of threat and worry in coping with everyday problems
-Affect how you feel, such as persistent sadness
147 billion, medicaid and medicare.
-Alterations of the senses-Inability to sort incoming stimuli and make appropriate responses-An altered sense of self-Radical changes in emotions, movements and behaviors-Affects about 1% of the US population
Don't smoke, get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night, maintain a healthy body weight, get regular exercise, little or no alcohol consumption, eat breakfast regularly, little between-meal snacking.
-Enjoy a wide range of interactions with family, friends and acquaintances and are able to have healthy interactions with an intimate partner-Listen, express themselves, and form healthy attachments-Act in socially acceptable and responsible ways and find the best fit for themselves in society
Genetically inherited traits, conditions, and disposition to disease
-Physical check-up-Psychiatric history-Mental status examination
The study of brain and behavior and how they affect the body's immune systemExamples: happiness allows people to embrace the world around them. Hope, optimism and contentment appear to reduce the risk of some chronic diseases.
May occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, war or car accident
Disadvantages include lacking access to quality education; living in poor housing; being unable to pay for nourishing food, clothes, shoes; not being able to afford utilities, medications, low paying jobs etc.
Defined as preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence, or opportunities to achieve optimal health.
1. Behavior2. Social Environment3. Inner thoughts and feelings (cognition)
Change isn't easy, to successfully change a behavior you need to see change as a process that requires preparation, several stages and takes time to succeed.
-Respond appropriately to upsetting events-Emotional health affects social and intellectual health-Emotional turmoil may seriously affect your ability to think, reason and act rationally.
Body size and functioning
A series of physiological responses and adaptations to a real or imagined threat to one's well-being
Type of depression that occurs in the winter months, when sunlight levels are low
Access to quality health care, including counseling and mental health services; access to information and products such as eyeglasses.
Panic attacks, an acute anxiety reaction that brings on an intense physical reaction
Lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, excessive alcohol consumption, tobacco use
Social factors and physical conditions in the environment
An action may not take place even though the person believes in its benefit because of barriers such as cost, time, pain, etc
The regulation of body systems to produce a relatively constant physiological state without the need for conscious control.

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