
Top 33 Free CNA Practice Exam Questions and Answers 2015 on Ethics and Laws

Fundamentals of nursing, particularly in ethics and laws, are always highly respected in any exams as a important standard to evaluate moral personality of nurse aides. Therefore, we’re pleased to offer Top 33 Free CNA Practice Exam Questions and Answers 2015 on Ethics and Laws with the purpose to enhance your knowledge before the exam.
To view full questions and answers, please kindly visit our site:  https://hapiland.net/7160/top-33-free-cna-practice-exam-questions-answers-2015-ethics-laws/

laws concerned with relationships between people
touching a persons body without his or her consent
negligence by a professional person
the skills,care,and judgments required by a health team member under similar conditions .
a rule of conduct made by a government body
National federation of licensed practical nurses
violating a persons right not to have his or her name,photo,or private affairs exposed or made public without giving consent.
an act that violates a criminal law
making false statements orally
that which separates helpful behaviors from behaviors that are not helpful
Health insurance portability and accountability Act of 1996
unlawful restraint or restriction of a persons freedom of movement.
a wrong committed against a person or the persons property
intentionally attempting or threatening to touch a persons body without the persons consent.
Knowledge of what is right and wrong conduct
An unintentional wrong in which a person did not act in a reasonable and careful manner and a person or the persons property was harmed
making false statements in print , writing , or through pictures or drawings.
identifying information and information about the person's health care that is maintained or sent in any form (paper,electronic,oral)
injuring a persons name and reputation by making false statements to a third person.
Omnibus Budget reconciliation Act of 1987
An act,behavior,or thought that warns of a boundary crossing or violation.
a legal document of how a person wants property distributed after death.
saying or doing something to trick,fool,or deceive a person.
the intentional mistreatment or harm of another person.
a brief act or behavior outside of the helpful zone
A persons behaviors that put him/her at high risk for harm.
an act or behavior that meets your needs, not the persons needs.
knowledge of what is right conduct and wrong conduct.

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