Don’t be troubled with a CNA license. Only by practising 20 Free CNA Practice Test Questions and Answers on Ethical and Legal Issues,
we believe you can defeat the CNA exam and become a qualified nurse
aide. These multiple choice questions are easy to understand and quick
respondus so as to rapidly get scores out.
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An unintentional violation of a legal duty to use a standard of care.
A form of abuse where physical harm is done to another person.
An order to DO NOT RESUSCITATE when needed. Appointed in an AD.
Failure of professional duty or professional misconduct
Any sexual act without consent
the act of taking what belongs to someone else and using it illegally for one's own gain.
not able to perceive any time place disorientated
Unlawful threat or attempt to do bodily injury to another
A collective set of rules and duties that define your roles as an EMT-RN
Established April 14, 2003. The Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act, a federal law protecting the privacy of
patient-specific health care information and providing the patient with
control over how this information is used and distributed
people who are required to report suspected or observed abuse or
neglect due to their regular contact with vulnerable populations, such
as the elderly in long-term care facilities.
emotionally harming a person by threatening, scaring, humiliating,
intimidating, isolating, insulting, or treating him or her as a child;
also includes verbal abuse.
An individual responsible for investigating and resolving workers'
complaints against the employer or insurance company that is denying the
benefits is called a(n):
using words to mistreat or injure another person
A system of beliefs of what is right and what is wrong.
A document in which a competent person gives instructions to be
followed regarding his or her healthcare in the event the person later
becomes incapacitated and unable to make or communicate those decisions
to others
Ominibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 laws that requires nursing
centers to provide care in a manner or setting that IMPROVES a persons
QUALITY of life, health and safety
the unlawful beating of a person; act of beating or pounding; any large group of related things
Any care that results in physical harm or pain, or mental anguish.
Let’s go through 27 Updated Free CNA Practice Test Questions and Answers on Ethics and Laws
to solidify your nursing basics before CNA certification exams. With
many multiple choice questions, you can easily to remember all the
requirements on ethics and better understanding of legal issues.
To view full questions and answers, please kindly visit our site:
Act, behavior, or thought that warms of a boundary crossing or violation
IDing information and info about a person's health care that is maintained or sent in any form
A person's behaviors and way of living that threaten their health, safety, and well-being
Making false statements in print
A legal document of how a person wants property distributed after death
Touching a person's body without their consent
Intentionally attempting or threatening to touch a person's body without the person's consent
Wrong committed against a person or their property
Brief act or behavior outside of helpful zone
Violating someone's right not to have their name, photo, or private affairs exposed/made public without giving consent
Person 18 years or older who has a disability or condition that makes them at risk to be wounded, attacked, or damaged
Knowing, intentional, or negligent act that causes harm or serious
risk of harm by a caregiver or any other person to an older adult
Unlawful restraint or restriction of a person's freedom of movement
Skills, care and judgements needed by a health team member
Saying/doing something to deceive someone
Unintentional wrong where a person didn't act in a reasonable and careful manner, and a person or their property was harmed
Willful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation,
or punishment that results in physical harm, pain, or mental anguish;
depriving person of things needed to maintain well-being
Laws concerned with relationships btwn people
Act that violates a criminal law
Failure to provide person with goods or services needed to avoid harm
Negligence by a professional person
Act, behavior, or comment that is sexual in nature
Making false statements orally
Laws concerned with offenses against the public and society in general
Injuring a person's name and reputation by making false statements to a third person
Fundamentals of nursing, particularly in ethics and laws, are always
highly respected in any exams as a important standard to evaluate moral
personality of nurse aides. Therefore, we’re pleased to offer Top 33 Free CNA Practice Exam Questions and Answers 2015 on Ethics and Laws with the purpose to enhance your knowledge before the exam.
To view full questions and answers, please kindly visit our site:
laws concerned with relationships between people
touching a persons body without his or her consent
negligence by a professional person
the skills,care,and judgments required by a health team member under similar conditions .
a rule of conduct made by a government body
National federation of licensed practical nurses
violating a persons right not to have his or her name,photo,or private affairs exposed or made public without giving consent.
an act that violates a criminal law
making false statements orally
that which separates helpful behaviors from behaviors that are not helpful
Health insurance portability and accountability Act of 1996
unlawful restraint or restriction of a persons freedom of movement.
a wrong committed against a person or the persons property
intentionally attempting or threatening to touch a persons body without the persons consent.
Knowledge of what is right and wrong conduct
An unintentional wrong in which a person did not act in a reasonable
and careful manner and a person or the persons property was harmed
making false statements in print , writing , or through pictures or drawings.
identifying information and information about the person's health care
that is maintained or sent in any form (paper,electronic,oral)
injuring a persons name and reputation by making false statements to a third person.
Omnibus Budget reconciliation Act of 1987
An act,behavior,or thought that warns of a boundary crossing or violation.
a legal document of how a person wants property distributed after death.
saying or doing something to trick,fool,or deceive a person.
the intentional mistreatment or harm of another person.
a brief act or behavior outside of the helpful zone
A persons behaviors that put him/her at high risk for harm.
an act or behavior that meets your needs, not the persons needs.
knowledge of what is right conduct and wrong conduct.
op 37 Free CNA Practice Exam Questions and Answers on Ethics and Caring
bring the chance to practice and practice more and more questions about
healthcare ethics and get the CNA certification quickly.
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organization of values ranked along a continuum of importance
rules, values, principles that guide nursing decisions
5 professional values of nursing
elements of culture humility
what is important and what is true and real in the world for people
right or wrongness of an action depends on the consequences of the action
staements of ethical obligations and duties of every individual who
enters the nursing program, non-negotiable ethical standard, nurse
committment to society
support nondiscrimination in delivery of health care, promote
universal access to healthcare, encourage legislation and policy
consistent with advancement of nursing
belief about the worth of something that guides behavior
self determination: patients have the right to make their own decisions
right to self determination
be honest, document accurately, seek to remedy errors, be accountable for own actions
medical & nursing, biological studies, social sciences, enviromental sciences
action is right or wrong independent of the consequences
do good,benefit the patient, balance risk/benefit
cultural sensitivity, patient advocacy, take risks on behalf of patient, mentor other professionals
system of thought that attempts to explain how we ought to live
into principles of right and wrong, good & evil, as they relate to conduct and human flourishing
when clients face stress ______ is an important role in their lives
personal or cummunal standards ofright and wrong
2 conflicting courses of action