
48 High-Priority Free CNA Practice Test Questions on Skin Care

Try out 48 High-Priority Free CNA Practice Test Questions on Skin Care. This is a marvellous experience for your first-level. Those questions are designed concisely and suitable for even people who start up this career. So, you can completely go straightforward to become a competent CNA. 
To view full questions and exact answers, please visit our site: https://hapiland.net/6760/48-high-priority-free-cna-practice-test-questions-skin-care/

a kidney shaped bowl or pan
tissue composed of fibers that contract (shorten) and produce movement
contagious infection caused by mites and cause intense itching
relating to a chemical that prevents the coagulation or clotting of blood
black or brown skin pigment; gives skin, hair and eye color
bathing the face, hands, armpits, buttocks, and genital area
surface layer of skin
group of similar cells working together to perform a common function
the thin, hardened skin at the base of the nails
type of tissue designed to transmit impulses throughout the body to communicate information or commands to different parts of the body
tissue that lines body cavities that open to the outside
the study of the function of the body
compounds that do not dissolve in water. may be stored in the body and used as an energy reserve
surgical removal of a body part of limb
group of organs working together to perform major functions of the body
areas of the body where bones are close to the surface of the skin and are susceptible to pressure ulcer development from friction, shearing, and pressure
the result of two surfaces moving across one another
a state of balance in the internal environment to promote healthy survival
to whiten or turn pale
collection of fat cells
that portion of the body lying between the chest and pelvis
fundamental unit of all living things
cleaning and caring for the mouth, teeth, gums and tongue
slick or sticky substance secreted by mucous membranes which provides lubrication and helps trap and kill germs
artificial tooth or teeth not permanently implanted
having to do with the skin, including all layers and appendages
layer of skin just below the epidermis and contains hair follicles, blood vessels, nerve endings, and glands
procedure used to bathe a resident who in confined to bed
infection caused by a reactivation of latent virus. characterized by painful blister like lesions that follow nerve paths
cleansing of perineum as part of routine hygiene
skin lesion or eruption
folds of the skin at the opening of the vagina and urinary meatus
hardened or thickened skin related to friction or pressure
a space between the underside of the shoulder and the chest
a mass of epithelial tissue over a boney prominence caused by friction or pressure
referring to the reproductive organs
beneath the skin
and lesion caused by unrelieved pressure that results in damage to underlying tissue
an infection of the skin that usually forms as reddened areas progressing to open lesions on the face and spreading locally
pertaining to the skin
the tearing of tissue and tiny blood vessels as a result of the skin moving one way while the bone and tissue under the skin move another way
a scraping or rubbing off of skin by friction
refers to the structure of the body
the maintenance of health and cleanliness
group of different tissues working together to perform a common function
tissue that supports and holds together body parts or tissues
abnormality of the skin such as a wound, sore, or rash
part of the body extending from the anterior pubic bone to the coccyx; area between the front of the external genitals and the anus

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