
37 Significant Free Online CNA Practice Exam Questions on Resident Rights

Don’t worry about getting a CNA license even if you have not enough experience. Trouble-free with 37 Significant Free Online CNA Practice Exam Questions on Resident Rights! The test is easy to follow. Plus, this free online CNA practice sample questions dwell on fingertips of resident rights throughout nicely-structured questions with highly responsive answers.
To view full questions and answers, please kindly visit our site:  https://hapiland.net/7074/37-significant-free-online-cna-practice-exam-questions-resident-rights/

Touching a persons body without his or her consent.
Access to phone, unopened mail, no curfew, open visiting hours, able to have relationships, able to wear what one chooses, privacy.
Characteristics of a group of people, language, value, beliefs, habits, likes, dislikes, and customs passed from one generation to another.
Any healthcare worker will represent the patient in the event that the patient is unable to speak for themselves pertaining to patient rights.
Charge nurse or supervisor, facility administrator, and then a 1800 number to report the abuse (confidential)
Only prn must follow manufactures instructions.
All healthcare information on a person, past, present, future.
Federal Government mandated council allows LTC residents voice concerns related to care.
Using oral or written words or statements that speak badly.
Physically or chemically limiting patients mobility and independce
Applying Philosophy of Individual Worth.
The use of a vest with restraints, side rails, and wheelchair breaks.
Touching, grabbing, hitting, or punishment done to the body.
The use of medication to limit patients behavior and movement.
Care/ treatment will be delivered by trained staff and done correctly.
All healthcare providers and insurance companies that transmit standard information electronically.
An unintentional wrong in which a person fails to act in a reasonable and careful manner.

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