
69 Free CNA Practice Test Questions Online 2015 on Ethics and Values

Don’t despair if you have not enough time and money to take part in the courses to get certification. 69 Free CNA Practice Test Questions Online 2015 on Ethics and Values offer many questions and instant answers to help you overcome the CNA state exam quickly and easily.
To view full questions and answers, please kindly visit our site:  https://hapiland.net/7151/69-free-cna-practice-test-questions-online-2015-ethics-values/

willful act that violate another's rights
the ethic of care philosophy suggests that ethical dilemmas can best be solved by attention to what?
The legal definition of death that facilitates organ donations is the cessation of:
allows employees to change jobs w/o losing coverage as a result of preexisting coverage exclusion as long as they have had 12 months of continuous group insurance
laws passed by the state legislature or Congress (ex. Nurse Practice Acts)
an act of discovery in which "collective wisdom" guides a group in the best possible direction when a solution to an ethical dilemma is not guaranteed
this act protects an HIV-positive individual who does not have acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
requires institutions to have guidelines for determining the number (staff ratios) of nurses required or give care to a specific number of clients
defines your duty to report incompetent or unethical nursing conduct to the Board of Nursing
requires irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the stem
(1) the nurse owed a duty to a client (2) the nurse didn't carry out that duty (3) the client was injured (4) the nurse failed to carry out the duty and caused the injury
first written by the ANA, a set of guiding principles that all members of profession accept
"professional negligence" when nursing care falls below a standard of care
as a strategy, it promotes respect and agreement rather than a particular philosophy or moral system itself
both provide guidance, but it does not guarantee agreeement
conduct below standard of care; it's for the protection of others against an unreasonably great risk of harm
results from judicial decisions made in courts when individual legal cases are decided (ex. informed consent and the client's right to refuse treatments)
refers to the ability to answer for one's own actions
informing the supervisor and make a written protest to nursing administrators
protect the rights of individual persons within our society and encourage fair treatment among people
system of ethics proposes that the value of something is determined by its usefullness
is the avoidance of harm or hurt; the commitment to provide least harmful interventions
refers to fairness; ex. ranking recipients according to need
FEDERAL Statutory Issues in Nursing Practice
encourage health care professionals to assist in emergencies
describe and define the legal boundaries and scope of nursing practice within each state
refers to willingness to respect obligations and follow through on promises; reliable
STATE Statutory Issues in Nursing Practice
refers to something that is "useless; hopeless; serving no useful purpose"
legal guidelines for nursing practice & acceptable nursing care that are set by every state (ANA standards, Joint Commission accredited hospitals)
laws that mandate that at the time of admission to a hospital, a qualified health care provider has to ask each client over age 18 whether the client is an organ or tissue donor
quality of life, genetic screening, futile care, allocation of scarce resources: access to care and the nursing shortage
U.S. Supreme Court ruled that there is a fundamental right to privacy, which includes a woman's right to have an abortion
what is utilitarianism also known as?

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