
26 Updated Free Online CNA Practice Exam Questions on Ethics and Values

Don’t despair as you have to prepare for the upcoming exam. Not enough experience? not enough time or money? Not worry! 26 Updated Free Online CNA Practice Exam Questions on Ethics and Values will give you a higher chance at passing.
To view full questions and answers, please kindly visit our site:  https://hapiland.net/7140/26-updated-free-online-cna-practice-exam-questions-ethics-values/

ask the question, gather information, clarify values, verbalize the problems, identify possible courses of action, negotiate a plan, evaluate the plan over time

measures the effect that an act will have

can alert a patient to a condition that may not yet be evident but that is certain to develop in the future

beliefs about the worth of a given idea, attitude, custom, or object that sets standards that influence behavior

focus on inequalities between people; looks to the nature of relationships to guide participants in making difficult decisions especially relationships in which power is unequal or in which a point of view has become ignored or invisible

defines actions as right or wrong; does not look to consequences of actions to determine rightness or wrongness

study of conduct and character. concerned with determing what is good or valuable for individuals and society at large

focuses on understanding relationships and personal narratives; may even address issues beyond individual relationships such as ethical concerns about the structures within individual caring occurs such as health care facilities

agreement to keep promises; faithful devotion to duty; unwillingness to abandon patients even when care becomes controversial or complex

being fair

to support of a particular cause; as a nurse you advocate for health, safety, and rights of the patients, including their right to privacy

brain dead individual kept alive by a feeding tube and ventilator in hopes of a miracle; healthcare provided assisted suicides

looks to the presence of principle regardless of outcome

taking positive actions to help others; urge to do good for others; best interest of client before self interest

HIPAA mandates the protection of patient's personal health information; the legislation defines the rights and privileges of patients for protection of privacy

quality of life, genetic screening, care at the end of life, access to care

Commitment to include patients in decisions; freedom from external control

the value of something is determined by its usefulness; emphasis on the outcome of the action; measures the affect an act will have

willingness to accept obligation and following through with promises; as a nurse you are responsible for your actions and the actions of those to whom you delegate

ability to answer for ones own actions; learn to ensure your actions are explainable to your patients and your employer

promotion of open discussion whenever mistakes occur, or nearly occur, without fear of recrimination

study of ends or final causes

avoidance of hard or hurt; balance risk and benefits

a personal belief about the worth of a given idea, attitude, custom or object that sets standards that influence behavior

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