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loss of blood supply to the heart
the softening of tissue that increases the chance of trauma or infectionperspiration
contains skin, hair and nails and sweat and sebaceous glands
continuous feedings into tube drop by drop
the main determinant of skin color
increase in the severity of a disease or its symptoms
the practice of cleanliness to preserve health
insertion of tube into bladder
interference with circulation causes skin to turn white or in darker skin becomes pale
dry and black with a buildup of tough necrotic tissue
eating disorder by binging on food then purging, fasting
method of delivering total nutrition thru a catheter placed in large central vein
a spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain ex-fainting
1)red, deep, pink skin, skin still intact 2)partial skin loss, involves epidermis and dermis, looks like an abrasion, blister or shallow crater 3)full thickness skin loss, looks like deep crater, subcutaneous tissue damaged or necrotic 4)full thickness skin loss w/ extensive tissue necrosis,damage to muscle , bone or supporting structures
when not in mouth should b kept in a labeled denture container w/ water or saline
oily substance
excrete urine
run water, have pt deep breath, relax, assist male to stand, pour warm water over perineum
waxy sustance, ear wax
disturbance of metabolism of carbs and the use of glucose by the body
increased concentration of solutes w/in the fluid
encourage independence, also pt preferences, condiments, offer small bites, offer fluids, wipe mouth frequently=dignity
inner thinner layer
difficulty swallowing
are glands that secrete an oily substance
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